Google Indexing API limits and json keys

A quota of 200 requests per project per day has been set for sending Google Indexing API requests. By default, only 12 projects can be created within a single Gmail account. You can add up to 500 delegated owners to the Google Search Console.

Google Indexing API Quota

Up to 200 Google Indexing API requests per day can be sent from one key. But the quota is provided not for the json key and not for the service account, but for the project. In order to send more requests every day, you need to make more keys. And they need to be done only in this order:

Project -> Service account -> Key -> Activation of the Google Indexing API for the project

If you create more than just one service account in one project, or create more than one key in one service account, the quota will be divided between them. Because a quota of 200 Google Indexing API requests is provided per PROJECT.

Quota for the number of projects in one Gmail account

By default, a quota of 12 projects is provided for one Gmail account. That is, you can create only 12 projects without additional actions, which means 12 keys. This is enough to send 2,400 Google Indexing API requests per day. But if this is not enough for you, then you can either make additional keys in another Gmail account, or request an increase in the quota.

Request to increase the quota for the number of projects

When creating a project, at the very first step you will see a warning that you can create a certain number of projects. In the same message, you will see the "Manage quotes" button. Click on it.

A simple form will open that you need to fill out. Enter your name. Enter your email address.

Specify the number of projects below. Select "Free Services" and write "Google Indexing API" in the lowest field.

Click on the "Submit" button. After some time, you will receive an email stating that a new quota has been provided. When you request a quota for the first time, this email arrives very quickly. Read it. Sometimes it asks you to confirm your email address.

Limit on the number of owners in the Google Search Console

By creating a lot of keys, you can significantly increase the number of links sent via the Google Indexing API. Our Google site indexer supports the use of any number of keys. But the maximum number of pages you can index per day is 99,800. This is due to another limitation - you can add up to 500 delegated owners to the Google Search Console. Your account + 499 keys. Adding each key is adding the site owner to the Google Search Console.